Life goes on.. I've never really liked that saying. I just don't deal with transitions very well. I like consistency and stability in my life, whether it is with relationships, environments, or situations. It's probably the uncertainties, the loss of something meaningful, or my fear of commitment which makes them hard for me. There are times in my life I look back on and miss or sometimes want back again. I can think of many instances where transitions have been tough for me and they all seem to happen when things are going well. There have been a good amount of transitions in my life over the past few months (I actually meant to write this a while ago but just never got to it). Friends moving. My family moving. Being placed in new positions. And more. With so many changes in my life, I'm seeing more and more how fast time flies. It's crazy. These transitions in life are inevitable. We go through seasons, whether good or bad. But through it all, I've come to ...