Give It Away
So when the rich young man thought his "good deeds" would help him receive eternal life, he walked away sorrowful because he quickly learned that the Kingdom is about much more than living a decent life. Jesus commanded him to sell his possessions and give to the poor. He knew what the man cherished most. And the man was not wiling to give that up. That man is us. We want God and salvation on our own terms but when we are asked to give up our treasures, that's just too much. A couple night ago, my older brother Robin reminded me of what this is all about. He was inspired to donate to people in Houston affected by Hurricane Harvey. He was talking about how eventually, the hurricane will go away but when that happens, there will be thousands of people who don't have anything to go home to. I've seen people who have no idea what they'll do and don't have much, but are still thankful and proclaim God's goodness. Robin decided to give away, among many ...