
Showing posts from June, 2019

To the Class of 2019..

When we know what we got What right do we have to deem who is worthy of love? Family - not always decreed by heritage But declared by commitment. A crossing of borders To make refuge in this soil God song stitching our souls together This connection as exodus From lands that sought to oppress our joy; Sing freedom Sing, celebration of being, a holy cypher Sing, show me your scars and I won't walk away Sing, how we find Heaven in our shared hereness Sing, this table is for us And if us is all we got The fist beating in our chest Is revolution in itself.. When we wear heart that is not our own We realize ourselves whole. You hold a special place in my heart.  Long story short.. I probably wouldn't have decided to be a teacher without you. The more I think about it, I realize that I gravitated towards all this because you helped me remember that I was worth something, just like so many people who I've met in this over the years. I cher...