Update On My Life

"So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing..." - Ephesians 6:21

Obviously, I'm not very good at this blogging thing. Plus, I've been pretty busy so it's been hard to find the time to do this. I want to blog more frequently, but at the same time I don't want to just post things just to do it. I want to carefully consider what I write and take the time necessary to do it, since transgression is not lacking where words are many. An idea just popped into my head: for those of you who actually read this, I think it would be cool to do a Q&A, so if you want just comment on this post with questions and I'll do my best to answer it in my next post! Anywho, here's a quick update on what's going on in my life.

Thanksgiving yesterday was great! Started off the day playing some flag football. I'm so out of shape but it was fun being able to run around. I spent the rest of the day with family and it was cool hanging out together, watching football, eating, planning Secret Santa, and all that good stuff. I'm so thankful first and foremost for God, who He is, how He brought me into a relationship with Him, how He works, etc. And of course, that does not minimize all the blessings He graciously pours out in my life, from my family to having food every day. God is good.

As I said earlier, I've been pretty busy lately. For the past few months, I've been going to UCSD, going through seminary (started in August), involved in ministry with Young Life, Wyld Life, and Harbor's Middle School Group, and Andre and I recently started up a college-age Bible study on Saturday night. Basically, every night in the week has something going on for me. Sundays have been my Sabbath and it is so relaxing to spend a day in the week to rest from work.

School at UCSD has been alright, the classes aren't too tough. I've only been taking 3 classes each quarter so far, but I think I'm going to start taking 4 each quarter and try to finish as early as I can. This means I will be even more busy but hopefully I can finish in no more than a total of 3 years plus a quarter.

Seminary is amazing. It's through Harbor and we do one course at a time, every six weeks, meeting once a week. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this, working on my master's and getting training while still finishing up at UCSD and being involved in what's going on here in Mira Mesa. I believe what the God is going to do with and through this program is so cool. Big props to my man Damein for his commitment to make this program as solid as it can be! It's also a blessing to be able to go through these classes with my co-laborers: Rob, Kiel, Jamie, and Angela. We are currently in our second class, studying the doctrine of man. Our first class was on the doctrine of salvation. I was going to write a blog after that one to express how the Lord just blew my mind through it. Maybe during winter break. It's so exciting learning all this and seeing how it affects the way I view things and the way I minister. God continues to reveal to me how great He is.

Young Life has been going well. I'm so thankful for our team and it is a huge blessing to be able to work with these people. It's been a good semester, which is coming to a close as we have one club left and a couple events. It's encouraging seeing our junior leaders lead, grow, and be used for the Gospel. Wyld Life and Harbor's Middle School Group have been going well too. It's so cool to see these students grow. They can be pretty crazy sometimes but seeing the way God works in their lives is what keeps me with them. In both of these, I've been able to meet a lot of new students and I'm thankful for the relationships He puts me in through these ministries.

We've met a couple times for this college Bible study and they have been good. With all the time I spend with high schoolers, middle schoolers, and older people, it's cool to fellowship with my peers. I've enjoyed worshiping God with these people, digging into the Word, rebuilding relationships with people who I did not see very much for a season, and building new relationships. I'm excited for what God is going to do through this.

God has been and is growing me in so many ways. With all the busyness, it's been tough to settle down and spend my time with the Lord, but when I do, it is so good. I'm just trying to cling to Him and depend on Him. He continues to grow me in love for the Church. I'm thankful for the community He has placed me in at Harbor (they were crazy enough to get me this laptop a couple months ago!). It's been cool getting to know some people more and trying to be more involved. I've been meeting with a few of the high school guys for discipleship and it's great seeing these guys grow, seeing their desire to know God more, and just hanging out with them. God is definitely growing me in leadership, with the example I set and how I interact with people. And He is maturing me a lot, from the way I see things to the way I talk. He's also growing me in my love for reading and music. The Lord is working in my life in many more ways, but it amazes me how much He cares for me to be doing all this.

Please be praying for me. For my relationship with God, to be more adamant in seeking Him, spending time with Him, praying, and getting into His Word. For my relationships with people, to grow in love for people. For God to continue to grow Harbor in unity, numbers, and mission. For God to continue to grow me to mature manhood, how I live, and how I use my time. For all these things God reveals to me and how He's growing me, as sometimes it can be overwhelming but I want to be a doer. For me to rest in Him, especially with all the busyness, as I've been pretty weary. For God to use this seminary not just to grow me in knowledge but to grow me in my worship of Him and living things out. For God to continue to bless these ministries, growing those who are already in them as well as bringing more people in. For these projects I am working on, to seek God first and be diligent. For my family, to draw those who do not know Him unto Himself, to continue drawing those who do know Him, and for God to grow us in unity. I appreciate the prayers and I appreciate those of who you read this.

Eric Trieu


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